Fun Facts
Last year, more than 29 million pieces of luggage were delayed, damaged, or lost at the world’s airports.
Some of the mishandling may well be due to the travel problems that resulted from a number of natural disasters and weather conditions. Unfortunately, some of the mishandling is simply endemic to the travel industry.
- 51% of mishandled luggage is due to transfers – that’s when you change plans,but your bags continue on or get on the wrong plane
- 14% of mishandled luggage simply fails to get loaded – that’s when you get on the plane
Your luggage does not always travel on the same flight that you do, particularly if you have a late check-in, late connection, or last minute changes have been made due to flight delays or cancellations. If this is the case, chances are good that you and your bags will be reunited with the arrival of the next flight.
Occasionally, bags are misrouted to the wrong airport, and it may take a few days to locate and reroute them. The airlines will usually deliver them to you when they arrive. You may also request partial reimbursement for personal items like clothing and toiletries if the expense was caused by the delay, so ask an airline baggage representative for guidelines and make sure you save your receipts.BEX Facts
“Our staff has over 60 years of combined luggage delivery services backing our day to day services.”
“Our independent luggage delivery drivers (including IC moonlighting firefighters and police officers) have over a million miles of experience delivering delayed luggage in the tri-state area.”
“Our company always keeps a “can do attitude”, concretely proving that the Baggage Service Offices and the delivery staff are ONE TEAM. Never an “us or them” work environment.”
BEX has seamlessly delivered over 1.2 million pieces of delayed luggage throughout our years of service in the tri-state. We take great pride in being locally owned and operated. Delivering to our neighbors, families, friends and their businesses.
BEX has a fleet of vehicles to cover any needs of the business, i.e. Box Trucks, cargo vans, Sprinters, and has the access and the ability to increase the size of its fleet at any given moment, i.e. bulk deliveries anywhere!

Contact Bex Delivery Service Today!